Friday, April 27, 2012

Jump Ashin

Jump Ashin

Ashin grew up in Taiwan  he is the elder of two sons raised by a single mother. As a child, Ashin's natural agility drew him to start practicing with the school's gymnastics team. Yet his mother increasingly expected him to be more involved in the family fruit stand business, and quit gymnastics.

Suddenly without a focus in life, Ashin took to street-fighting with his best buddy, Pickle. They eventually miffed other local gangsters, including another young man known as Papaya . Papaya started manipulating Pickle by supplying him amphetamine, and Pickle soon started craving the drug enough to do anything for more of it. Matters then spiraled out of control when Pickle killed a man during a brawl; now the duo, Ashin and Pickle, seemed to have no way back to their previous life.

After Pickle killed a man in a brawl, Ashin fled Yilan with him to Taipei, the big city. Scenes set under neon lights and in nightclubs succeed in creating a sense of warped space, in contrast with Yilan's pastoral blue sky and green fields. And although the duo's prolonged detour in gangster-land felt meandering, it at least had the fantastic effect of making Ashin's return to gymnastics surprisingly intense. Compared to the convoluted jungle ethics of the criminal world, the elegance and single-mindedness of gymnastics seems almost holy.

Ashin trained hard for the competition and he finally won a gold medal that he had been dreaming.He changed his life and inspired people who knowed him

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